Purchase and Inquiry

Tradows provides you a central place to manage your sourcing and purchasing activities.

Supplier Search

There are nearly a million manufactures, exporters and wholesalers in Tradows platform. You can find your suppliers by the product keyword search. If you are focused on local suppliers, you can find them by restricting the country, state/province or even cities. Tradows already did the market research for you. It takes only several seconds to find your potential suppliers.

Ask Tradows to find the suppliers for you

You also have the options of ask Tradows to find the suppliers for you. You can specify the geography location and other requirement with your inquiry. The Tradows team around the globe will find the suppliers and ask them to respond your inquiry.

Supplier Management

After find suppliers, you can click to add them in your supplier database; their information includes the company description, contact information, web page, and offering products will be automatically added also. It is very easy to get the information about your suppliers. Tradows also let you group the suppliers based on their locations or product types.

Send Inquiries

When you received the inquiries from your customers, you can forward the inquiry to supplier(s) without revealing the contact information of your customers. You can also input your requirement in one place and generate inquiries to multiple suppliers by just clicks.

Generate Purchase Orders

You can click to generate purchase order and you will never miss up the prices of different product and different suppliers. You can easily track whether the PO is accepted by the supplier and the order status after the PO is sent through Tradows.

Quotation and Inquiry Management

Tradows stores your inquiries and your suppliers' quotations in one place. You can easily find out the response from different suppliers for your inquiry. It is easy for you to compare and select suppliers.

Benefits of Tradows Services
  • Hold Sales Results at Your Own Hands
  • Guaranteed Result
  • Your Supplier Channel will Grow Automatically
  • Get Right Information For Your Business
  • Easy to Use
  • Local Support
  • Risk Free

Top 5 Questions
  1. I use search engine and B2B marketplace services already. Why should I try Tradows?
  2. Can I use Tradows to manage all my client information?
  3. How much does Tradows cost?
  4. What are the Payment Options?
  5. Is Tradows Secure?
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